August 17, 2011

Shitty Beer Tuesday (SBT)

This current post is the formal explanation of Shitty Beer Tuesday. In my previous post I discussed the motivation behind talking about macro beers, in this post I'm going to explain the rules of the column and what you can expect on Tuesdays.

So what is SBT? Every Tuesday I will drink and review a macro brewed beer. My intentions are simple: to provide some honest feedback on macro brewed beer. While I expect a lot of the beer reviewed on SBT to be Below-Average, I am optimistic that there will be a handful of diamonds in the rough. The fact is there are good macro brewed beers out there. Recently I had a can of Schlitz Classic, which was delicious for its style, and great in the context that I drank it. Sadly, one of the most obvious trends on sites like Ratebeer and Beeradvocate is that certain styles of beer get low-balled despite being good beers for the style they represent. I hope to bring some redemption to the less respected styles of beer. In the process I hope to have fun at the expense of BudMillerCoors, and talk crap about crappy beer. 

Shitty Beer Tuesday has a few objectives that are as clear as the beer I am going to review:
  • Provide reviews for beers that would otherwise be negated by a lot of craft beer drinkers
  • Uncloak stealth macro beers (will we see Stella Artois on SBT?)
  • Have some fun at the expense of shitty beer 
As far as rating goes, I will use the same rating system that I use for all the other beers I review. I will not compare across styles! I will not compare a pale lager to an IPA. I recognize that certain styles of beer are, heaven forbid, supposed to be light. Lastly, criteria for beers that make it to SBT will depend on whether or not the beer is macro. I will not review micro beers on SBT. For more information on macro vs. micro, and some of the controversy that surrounds it (OR why you won’t see Blue Moon or Goose Island’s beers on SBT) check out my post on the motivation for Shitty Beer Tuesday. 

Ultimately, the goal of Shitty Beer Tuesday is education, education, education. I cannot state this enough. This blog is first and foremost a platform to educate myself about beer by drinking it. I want to explore popular brands of beer and learn as much as I can about them. And then destroy the shit out of them, with words. I firmly believe that most people who drink macro brewed beer do so without giving any thought to what they are drinking. Look forward to the first Shitty Beer Tuesday, next week.  

Think of this column like a really bad hangover. You say you will never read it again, but you will be back next week.

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